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Posted: 9/17/20

Traditions bring so many good memories to all of us. Some of them may be simple but we can all agree that every tradition can teach us something valuable about the country and its culture.

Cultural traditions differ from country to country, and today, we want to find out LifePoints’ members most valuable holidays and traditions in India.

Come vote for your favourite, right here, right now. Click the button below to choose yours! We’ll announce the results soon, once we collect all your votes.

favourite traditions in India
Posted: 9/17/20

Bräuche und Traditionen bringen viele Erinnerungen mit sich. Manche erscheinen vielleicht sehr schlicht, können jedoch viel über ein Land und dessen Kultur aussagen. Heute möchten wir gerne mehr über die beliebtesten Bräuche unserer Lifepoints Mitglieder in Deutschland erfahren.

Wählen Sie jetzt Ihren Favoriten. Wir werden die Ergebnisse bekannt geben, sobald wir alle Ihre Stimmen gesammelt haben.

Teilen Sie Ihre Traditionen mit uns!
Posted: 9/17/20

Per gli italiani l'importanza attribuita al cibo non è mai troppa. Il cibo va ben oltre il concetto di semplice alimentazione, non è vero? Anche se per le altre persone può non essere così importante, gli italiani ne sono davvero appassionati. Ecco perché classificare tutti questi piatti deliziosi è stata un'impresa così complessa: c'era troppo orgoglio in gioco.

E i cibi più popolari in Italia sono
Posted: 9/16/20

Many British traditions are famous all over the world. When people think of Britain they often think of drinking tea, eating fish and chips and wearing bowler hats, but there is more to Britain than those things! 

Which of these traditions can you relate to? Vote here!

Posted: 9/3/20

A roast dinner has been crowned the UK's favourite food! This Sunday tradition dates back hundreds of years and is still as popular as ever. This is closely followed by fish and chips, with over 380 million portions being sold every year by fish and chip shops alone!

A traditional all day cooked breakfast and bacon sandwich make up the top two tiers of UK food as voted for by LifePoints members. 
