
Celebrate festivities, milestones and achievements with our community.



Posted: 8/27/20

Did you know there is an estimated 400 million dogs in the world? For International Dog Day, we would love to hear about your canine buddies!

What is your favorite memory of your furry friend? Let us know here

Posted: 8/27/20

Describe 2020 with one word!

Go to our Instagram Page, follow us (if you haven't already) and comment on this post

We will collect all the comments to see how this year has been perceived so far.

Describe 2020 with one word
Posted: 8/7/20

Last month we asked you to vote for the UK's favourite beer, and it’s great to be sharing the results while we celebrate International Beer Day! Cheers to that, and thanks for beering with us while we counted the votes :)

Did you miss this poll? No worries, we’ve got more ready for you! Help us find the most popular British foods by sharing your all-time favourite below.

The winners will be announced soon!

UK's favourite beer
Posted: 8/7/20

Il mese scorso ti abbiamo chiesto di votatre la birra preferita dagli Italiani e abbiamo deciso di celebrare la Giornata Internazionale della Birra, condividendo i risltati! Un brindisi per le vincitrici :)

Non sei riuscito/a a partecipare a questa votazione? Non c'é problema, ne abbiamo un'altra pronta per te! Aiutaci a trovare il piatto piú amato dagli Italiani cliccando sul pulsante qui sotto. Scegli il tuo preferito!

Annunceremo I risultati presto!

Italy favorite beer
Posted: 8/7/20

Last month we asked you to vote for America’s favorite beer, and it’s great to be sharing the results while we celebrate International Beer Day! Cheers to that, and thanks for beering with us while we counted the votes :) 

Did you miss this poll? No worries, we’ve got more ready for you! Help us find America’s favorite foods by voting below and sharing your all-time favorite. 

The winners will be announced soon!

America's best beer