Posted: 2021/01/28

Which number safe is the treasure behind? Guess here for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints! 

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction! 

One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!

Posted: 2021/01/21

Which number is the treasure behind? Have a guess on this Facebook post for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints! 

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction! 

Posted: 2021/01/20

Harbin's annual festival is officially the biggest winter festival in the world. Located in China's most northerly province, it has earned the self-explanatory title of 'Ice City'

The festival is made of ice installations and snow statues lit up with rainbow lights towards the evening....including a giant Buddha made of snow!! The temperatures average is normally at -7°C during the day, but sink to -20°C at night.

We love to dream about places we've never visited and we hope to start travelling again soon!

Where would you like to go?

Did you know?
Posted: 2021/01/18

Today you may hear a lot about the myth of BlueMonday, dubbed the most depressing day of the year.

But since last year was non-stop blue for most of us, we’ve decided to turn this sad day into an uplifting one.

Help us spread kindness by posting a cheerful comment, or tagging someone you love, using the link below.




Three lucky members will earn $30 worth of LPs.

It's only blue if you let it be
Posted: 2021/01/13

Which number is the treasure behind? Have a guess on this Facebook post for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints! 

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction! 

One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!
