Are you looking for opportunities to boost your LifePoints balance? Here's the perfect chance to earn some extra points with a new giveaway. How? It's very easy:
It's Valentine's Day soon and we like to think of it as a celebration of all sorts of love - not just the romantic kind. And as LifePoints community, we're blessed with the love of millions around the world. So, here's a little appreciation giveaway!
Take a screenshot of the "♥" emoji we hid in our Twitter account, send it to us in the comments section using the button below and complete at least one survey. We'll select 10 members to receive a US$10 worth LPs!
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If you follow us, you know we love to bring you all sorts of fun content, LifePoints tips and especially our giveaways. This December, we'll gift our members with free LPs worth US $500 in total.
It might sound odd to celebrate half of the world's population, but being a man, like being a woman, comes with its own and very different set of challenges in life. The aim of Men's Day is to focus on men’s and boy’s health, improve gender relations, promote gender equality, and highlight positive male role models.
GIVEAWAY: We have 94,000 Facebook followers from ___________
Predict the correct country for the chance to win $20 of LifePoints!
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