Posted: 11/08/2021

During the month of August in Medellin (Colombia) ?? there is a spectacular 10-day celebration of nature, known as FERIA DE FLORES (Festival of the Flowers).

"Expect locally-grown, intricate and beautiful floral arrangements and floats for the festival's star show: the Parade of Silleteros. They're all competing to be named the most impressive arrangement. There are numerous categories each arrangement can enter into – even one for kids! "

Did you know?
Posted: 11/08/2021

Which country does this flag belong to? 

Go to our Twitter Page, follow our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this tweet! 

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 09/08/2021

It's time for a competition, where in the world is this? Go to our Instagram Page, follow us (if you haven't already) and comment on this post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win $20 USD worth of LifePoints! GOOD LUCK!

GIVEAWAY: Where in the world is this?
Posted: 30/07/2021

It's time for a competition, where in the world is this? Go to our Twitter Page, follow our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this Twitter post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 28/07/2021


We all have those friends who stick with us no matter what. And we love them for this reason, don't we?

This International Day of Friendship, surprise your friends by posting a photo on Instagram of you guys together, adding the hashtag #LifePointsFriends. The funnier the photo, the better!

Why? Because those fun moments together could win you $20 USD worth of LPs, and make them smile. Ready to surprise them?

Friendship is another word for love!