Posted: 23/09/2021

Which number are the LifePoints hidden behind?

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GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 22/09/2021

Close your eyes, make a wish related to Peace, and may this come true!!! ?

It's International Day of Peace!
Posted: 21/09/2021

Which country does this flag belong to? 

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One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 21/09/2021

During the month of September, a big Whale Watching Festival takes place in South Africa!!! ???

"Should you ever find yourself in the South African coastal town of Hermanus, let's hope your visit coincides with the annual Whale Watching Festival in late September.

Did you know?
Posted: 17/09/2021

It's time for a competition, which number are the LifePoints hidden behind? Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this Facebook post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $30 of LifePoints!