Posted: 01/02/2021

Let's start the new month with something sweet: today is National Dark chocolate Day!!!

Did you know that chocolate was originally consumed as a beverage?

The Aztecs believed it was a gift from the god of wisdom, and the chocolate was originally a fermented beverage that gave strength to the the drinker.

Have some before you take your next survey!

It's National Dark chocolate Day!
Posted: 28/01/2021

Which number safe is the treasure behind? Guess here for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints! 

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction! 

One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!

Posted: 26/01/2021

GIVEAWAY: Have you created a lockdown cinema experience at home?

Send us a photo or tell us about it in the comments here for the chance to win a £5 Rakuten TV voucher!

1. Send us a photo in the Facebook comments of your lockdown home cinema experience

2. We will choose 5 lucky LifePoints winners!

3. We will contact you privately if you are a voucher winner!


Posted: 21/01/2021

Which number is the treasure behind? Have a guess on this Facebook post for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints! 

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction! 

Posted: 20/01/2021

Harbin's annual festival is officially the biggest winter festival in the world. Located in China's most northerly province, it has earned the self-explanatory title of 'Ice City'

The festival is made of ice installations and snow statues lit up with rainbow lights towards the evening....including a giant Buddha made of snow!! The temperatures average is normally at -7°C during the day, but sink to -20°C at night.

We love to dream about places we've never visited and we hope to start travelling again soon!

Where would you like to go?

Did you know?