
Win extra LP in our fun giveaways.



Posted: 18/08/2021

We all love beautiful pictures. And at least once in our life, we’ve all taken one that made us say WOAH!! So why not share it with the LifePoints community, and see if it makes you win $20 USD of LPs?

How? Upload that picture on Instagram adding the hashtag #LifePointsPhotographyDay. Fear not: if the photo is already on your Instagram account, simply edit the caption by adding the hashtag to it. 

Terms apply.


World Photography Day!
Posted: 11/08/2021

Which country does this flag belong to? 

Go to our Twitter Page, follow our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this tweet! 

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 09/08/2021

It's time for a competition, where in the world is this? Go to our Instagram Page, follow us (if you haven't already) and comment on this post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win $20 USD worth of LifePoints! GOOD LUCK!

GIVEAWAY: Where in the world is this?
Posted: 06/08/2021

International Beer Day is a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, restaurants, breweries and backyards all over the world. It's a day for beer lovers everywhere to rejoice in the greatness of beer!

What is your favourite brand of beer? Let us know for the chance to win $25 USD of LPs!

Terms and Conditions apply.



It’s International Beer Day!
Posted: 30/07/2021

It's time for a competition, where in the world is this? Go to our Twitter Page, follow our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this Twitter post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!