
Win extra LP in our fun giveaways.



Posted: 05/11/2021

It's time for a competition, which number are the LifePoints behind?

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this Facebook post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!

GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 03/11/2021

On Halloween, carve a pumpkin representing or inspired by LifePoints and submit a photo of it using the button below.

Our 3 favourite pumpkins will receive LPs worth US$15!

No pumpkins? No problem! Get creative with your materials and designs: paper, play dough, digital artwork, anything you can think of.

Good luck and have an ooky-spooky Halloween!




Are you up for a pumpkin carving contest?
Posted: 20/10/2021

It's time for a competition, where in the world is this?

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this Facebook post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!

GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 19/10/2021

How can you enter? It's very simple. Complete at least one survey today and then use the button below to send us an image or tell us something you have purchased with your hard-earned LifePoints.

Five lucky members will receive $20 USD extra in points!

Don't forget to follow and tag us! ENTER NOW!


GIVEAWAY: Win with LifePoints!
Posted: 14/10/2021

Which country does this flag belong to? 

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this Facebook post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!