Community Matters

Posted: 17/1/22

This Monday is not like others... IT'S THE BEST MONDAY EVER! ?

The days may slumber with holidays now a faint memory: But we just got the thing to bring a smile to your face. Be one of the first 500 members to complete a survey today and we'll give you extra LPs worth US$1!

So grab a cup of something (or a glass of water - don't forget to hydrate!), sign in to your account and complete some surveys! Trust us, you'll feel productive instantly!

Posted: 11/1/22

? December might take away, but... january brings back!

Did you redeem all the LPs you earned last year? Or maybe you have some LPs, just not enough to redeem yet? Let's fix that! Here's how:

Start the year earning AND winning LPs
Posted: 15/12/21

It's time for a competition, which number are the LifePoints behind?

Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and comment on this post!

One lucky random LifePoints member will win!


GIVEAWAY: Win $25 of LifePoints!
Posted: 10/12/21

It has been a tough year for everyone and we want to take this time to thank you for being a valued member of our community. Let us know what present you are wishing for this holiday season and we will grant three lucky members their wish! Yes, just like that!

Simply leave a comment with your wish and complete one survey for the chance to see your wish come true with LifePoints this month. #LifePointsWish

Terms and conditions apply.

GIVEAWAY: Let's make wishes come true
Posted: 7/12/21

We're getting ready for the holidays in true LifePoints fashion: with a Holiday Trivia Marathon! Starting today, we'll post a Christmas trivia question in our Instagram account every other day until 22 December and give away US$10 worth of LPs to a lucky member who comments the correct answer.

To enter the giveaways, follow our Instagram account if you aren't already, keep an eye out for the trivia questions and comment your answer. Winners will be announced in the new year.

Win with holiday trivia!